Friday, November 29, 2019
Dickinson Five Poems Compared In Comedic Tone Essays -
Dickinson Five Poems Compared In Comedic Tone While much of Emily Dickinson's poetry has been described as sad or morose, the poetess did use humor and irony in many of her poems. This essay will address the humor and/ or irony found in five of Dickinson's poems: Faith is a Fine Invention, I'm Nobody! Who are you?, Some keep the Sabbath Going to Church and Success Is Counted Sweetest. The attempt will be made to show how Dickinson used humor and / or irony for the dual purposes of comic relief and to stress an idea or conclusion about her life and environment expressed by the poetess in the respective poem. The most humorous or ironic are some of the shorter poems, such as the four lined stanzas of Faith is a Fine Invention and Success Is Counted Sweetest. In Faith..., Dickinson presents a witty and biting satirical look at Faith and its limitations. While it still amuses readers today, it must be mentioned that this short poem would have had a greater impact and seriousness to an audience from the period Dickinson lived in. Dic kinson was raised in a strict Calvinist household and received most of her education in her youth at a boarding school that also followed the American Puritanical tradition she was raised in. In this short, witty piece Dickinson addresses two of the main obsessions of her generation: The pursuit of empirical knowledge through science, faith in an all-knowing, all-powerful Christian god and the debate on which was the more powerful belief. In this poem Dickinson uses humor to ease her position in the debate on to the reader. Dickinson uses her ability to write humourously and ironically (as seen in her suggestion of the use of microscopes) to present a firm, controversial opinion into what could be dismissed as an irreverent, inconsequential piece of writing. In Success..., Dickinson's emphasis is less on humor and more on expressing irony. This poem may be partially auto-biographical in nature. Dickinson made few attempts during her life to be taken as more than an armature poetess. On one occasion, she sent a collection of her poems to a correspondent who was also a published poet. His criticism of the poems devastated Dickinson, and she never made another attempt towards publishing her works. In Success..., Dickinson reflects on the nature of success and how, ironically, it can be best appreciated and understood by those who have not achieved it and have no taste of it. As in Faith..., Dickinson powerfully presents her thoughts in a few lines. The poem deals only with one, ironic but universal, idea in its short length. It is the bitterness expressed at this irony (as found it Dickinson's juxtaposition of the words sweetest and sorest, separated by two lines) that is most felt by the reader. While the previous poem expresses the poetess' bitterness and sorrow with one aspect of her life, I'm Nobody! Who Are You? uses humor without irony to address another. In this poem, Dickinson style appears almost child-like in its of descriptions including frogs and bogs , as well as the lively energy expressed by the poem through its use of dashes and brief wording. Dickinson seems to be addressing her spinster, hermit-like existence (I'm Nobody) and her preference to it. The poetess seems to relate that her situation has not left her without a sense of humor, but in fact has allowed her to maintain a child-like outlook on life rather than adapting to the boring norms of her society ( How dreary - to be - Somebody!). She mocks the conventional need for self-importance through publicity (How public - like a Frog - / To tell one's name - the livelong June -), suggesting that the audience isn't that interested ( / To an admiring Bog). She instead seems to idealize her solitude by creating the mysterious feeling of a secret society of social outcasts (Don't tell! they'd advertise - you know!). In this poem, she effectively uses humor to soften a critique of certain members of her society. While this poem is longer than the other poems discussed, it too is able to express the quality of brevity and lightness in
Monday, November 25, 2019
The Kamikazes essays
The Kamikazes essays Kamikaze was a type of Japanese pilot who flew suicide missions during the last months of World War II (1939-1945). The kamikazes were trained to dive airplanes loaded with the explosives into certain targets, usually American naval vessels. They were much like a human bullet. The suicide planes were also called kamikazes. Japan was desperate when it launched the kamikaze missions. Its military leaders viewed the kamikazes as the last hope of stopping the powerful Allied advance. But the plan didnt work. The first kamikaze attacks occurred in October 1944, when the Allies invaded the Japanese-held Philippines. More than a thousand kamikazes took part in the defense of Okinawa in 1945. Kamikaze pilots, sacrificing their lives in a last-ditch effort to stop the American advance, sank about 30-40 ships and damaged more than 350 others. They thought the Allied forces would have some trouble because they were losing so many warships. America wouldve been long time ago. In those days naval vessels were so abundant that the U.S. were having trouble finding enough sailors to man the ship. But the kamikazes failed to sink any large aircraft carriers-their main targets-and in time proved to be a costly failure. They became more important for the kind of resistance they symbolized than for the damage they caused. The word kamikaze means divine wind. During the summer of 1281 the Emperor assigned an enormous army of 140,000 troops to the conquest of the Japanese islands. An armada of four thousands ships sailed, once again bound for Hakata Bay to fight the Mongols. Kublai Khans forces landed. The battle was fought again, and once more the Mongols turned back to the beach. The Japanese fought valiantly, but with the enormous resources of the Mongols breached the defenses. Then, one night almost without warning, a powerful typhoon blew through most of their battle equipment and horses, and d...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
China in the World Economics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
China in the World Economics - Essay Example At the conclusion of his trip, the Shanghai Communiqu declared a statement of their shared foreign policy views. But following the suppression of Communist demonstrators in June 1989, U.S. suspended high-level official exchanges with the PRC and weapons exports and also imposed a number of economic sanctions on account of its absence of Human Rights policies. Following the September 11 2001 attacks, the U.S. and PRC commenced a counterterrorism propaganda that positively reflected in their joint ventures and wholly US-owned enterprises in mainland China. The 1969-79 years featured normalization of relations between the People's Republic of China and the United States. The economic and political maturity of China, coupled with new concerns over the nature of Chinese-American interactions (concerns that were prompted by several circumstances, including the Vietnam War and Nixon's surprise visit to the PRC), caused the establishment of full diplomatic relations between the United States and the People's Republic of China. ... The PRC welcomed the visit for a variety of reasons, the most important of which was probably the perceived imminence of a Soviet attack on China. A second factor was Peking's concern that Japan's tremendous economic growth might serve as the basis for a revitalization of Japanese militarism until United States by virtue of its security treaty with Japan help prevent any such Japanese rearmament. The size of the Chinese economy, even measured in current U.S. dollar (USD) terms, is likely to have surpassed that of Britain and leapt to be the fourth largest economy in the world by the end of 2005. Since its re-entry into the world economy in the late 1970s, China has been a beneficiary of the international economic system. In the 1990s, more and more states pursue the strategy of entering into free trade agreements that offer preferential terms of trade among its members while discriminating against nonmembers. The establishment of the WTO in 1995, whose explicit intent was to strength en application of the principle of non-discrimination of its member economies, saw a growth in the number of FTAs. By mid-2000, one hundred and fourteen FTAs were in effect. Steve Van Andel, chairman of the US Chamber of Commerce and board chairman of the US-based Amway Company, during an exclusive interview with People's Daily correspondent Liu Aicheng stationed in the United States the Chinese markets potential and economic development to be very promising. He said: US Amway Company, founded in 1959, is a world-famous producer of household products for daily use. The company has been investing in China for seven years, with the total investment topping US$1 million, and it has planned to expand its investment
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Separation of Church and State Literature review
Separation of Church and State - Literature review Example Second, and perhaps, on the contrary, the notion of a constitutional "separation of church and state" (a phrase that appears nowhere in the U.S. Constitution) is an influential symbol in American political discourse. Though there is little agreement relating to the precise meaning of such separation, the principle itself is not normally challenged in American politics (Jelen, 2000). Thus, 1Separation of church and state was definitely not an invention of the Enlightenment political theory that might have prompted similar thoughts in the mind of the respected Thomas Jefferson. Certainly, it misleads to analyze the lively experiment in political terms at all, for the Providence regime was just as certainly and decisively rooted in Protestant theologies as was the Puritans' city on a hill. The encompassing description of liberty of conscience was the systematizing principle of society, and it produced a kind of severance of church and state. It is thus significant to keep in mind that the cleavage was meant to protect the church and the soul from the debasing influence of the magistrate, to protect the garden of the church from corruption in the boondocks of the world. The quest for spiritual purity quite factually led into the political realm, where he was basically traditional, if not authoritarian. This priority of the religious is clearly evident in the legislative explanation for the revised 1798 Act Relative to Religious Freedom and the Maintenance of Ministers: Whereas Almighty, God hath created the mind free; that all attempts to influence it by temporal punishments or burthens, or by civil incapacitation, tend only to beget habits of hypocrisy and meanness, and is a departure from the plan of the Holy Author of our religion, who being Lord both of body and mind, yet chose not to propagate it by coercions on either, as was in his almighty power to do that to compel a man to furnish contributions of money for the propagation of opinions which he disbelieves, is sinful and tyrannical; that even the forcing him to support this or that teacher of his own religious persuasion, is depriving him of the comfortable liberty of giving his contributions to the particular pastor whose morals he would make his pattern, and whose powers he feels most persuasive to righteousness, and is withdrawing from the ministry those temporary rewards, which, proceeding from an appropriation of their personal conduct, are an additional incitement to earnest and unre mitting labors for the instruction of mankind.Ã Ã Ã
Monday, November 18, 2019
Should Prisoners Be allowed To Vote Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Should Prisoners Be allowed To Vote - Essay Example However, the ban is still not lifted in the country despite growing pressure from the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) to allow the prisoners to vote. This research paper presents evidence based discussion to illustrate the reality of the claim that ââ¬Å"the UK prisoners should be allowed to vote because first, breaking a law does not deter a personââ¬â¢s right to vote and second, such a blanket ban is an infringement on ECHR.â⬠ECHR works to preserve and promote human rights. This law was formed so that the suffering parties would be able to seek justice or plead for enforcement of rights. Now, the European Court has protested against the UKââ¬â¢s blanket ban on voting right of prisoners labelling it an unlawful action. But, the UK president, David Cameron, strongly opposed everything ECHR had to say on the subject. It is recently claimed by ECHR that ââ¬Å"UK ban on prisoners voting ââ¬Ëbreaches their human rightsâ⬠(Withnall 2014). This decision of the European judges is not respected in the UK because it is strictly believed by the parliament that prisoners should not be given right to vote. Previously, ECHR has released similar statements opposing the role played by the UK on prisonersââ¬â¢ voting rights. For example, a ruling passed by ECHR in 2005 based on a claim made by a convicted felon, John Hirst, said that all prisoners should be allowed to vote in the UK and no compensation shou ld be made to them by the government. In contrast to this, the UK parliamentââ¬â¢s stand on the subject is that the powers of ECHR should be restricted because they have regularly become a hurdle in the imposition of ban on prisonersââ¬â¢ voting rights. It is claimed that the final decision must be made by the UK, not by the Europe (Press Association 2013). But, that condition should only be respected if it does not violate human rights. As the ban does in deed violate human rights, so the UK should not be given the freedom to prevent its prisoners from
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Factors Effecting Voltage of Electrochemical Cells
Factors Effecting Voltage of Electrochemical Cells
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
The Secret Diary of Lady Macbeth :: essays research papers
The Secret Diary of Lady Macbeth After receiving a letter from Macbeth Earlier today, I received a most urgent letter from Macbeth. He told me that he was accosted by three witches on the night of the battle between Scotland and Norway. They greeted him "All hail Macbeth, hail to thee, Thane of Glamis! All hail Macbeth, hail to thee, Thane of Cawdor! All hail Macbeth, that shalt be King hereafter!" Macbeth was "rapt" with what the witches had said and tried to question them further but they vanished into a haze of fog. I could see his enthusiasm from his vocabulary and could tell that he believed the witches, even though they are feared and many hundreds have been burned. He said he "burned in desire" to question them further, indicating that he was almost on fire with this knowledge that came from the "perfect'st report". Witches have metaphysical powers and "more in them than mortal knowledge". Later that day Macbeth received a message from the King saying he was to become Thane of Cawdor. He called me his "dearest partner of greatness" and plans to share the glory of the golden round with me. He sent the letter by messenger despite the danger of the contents being read by others, when it could have waited until he arrived here. Having seen Macbeth's enthusiasm, I will take my cue from him. His letters have "transported me beyond this ignorant present". I nearly told a messenger who brought news of the King coming to stay, of my thoughts and for one moment, I reacted as though Macbeth were already King, and I Queen, I must be more careful in the future. I have made the decision that Macbeth will be King, the only problem being that he is "too full of the milk of human kindness" and does not have it in him to do the unthinkable deed, at heart Macbeth is a giver and not a destroyer. I see my role as Macbeth's strengthener. I wish that I could persuade him to "catch the nearest way". To this end, I asked the evil spirits to take my womanly qualities away. I asked them to take my milk and replace it with gall. I am asking to become a poisoner instead of a nourisher. I asked for unnatural darkness so that heaven will not see and cry: "Hold, hold!" No one must see the murder, as killing the King is an unthinkable act; it is just like killing God.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Integration – Teamwork
Integration ââ¬â Teamwork The first step toward peaceful common existence in a multicultural country is integration. It can easily happen that immigrants end up isolated, unable to take part in their new society. This is a problem for both the immigrants and the country they have come to. By not participating they are not doing anything for the country's benefit, and the people of said country may start asking themselves: if they are not taking part, why should they be taken care of?They may fall away from the system, not getting any of the advantages, and at the same time missing their opportunity to raise their voices and do anything about their situation. It all ends up as a downward spiral that makes integration, and thereby also improvement, more and more difficult. Integration is therefore something that has to start happening right away. The first step to integration is often said to be learning the language of the country, and I think this makes a lot of sense. A language barrier is a huge barrier, as communication is essential in almost every situation.But how can we make this happen? Would it be a solution that all immigrants attend language classes in their new country? If you compare a multicultural country to a group of people with completely different personalities, values and ideas stuck together in one tiny house for an extended period of time, it is hardly that difficult to imagine that problems are going to arise; eventually they will find something to argue about. Now this might sound negative, but it is, in fact, not. Arguing, if kept on a reasonable level, is how you become fully aware of your own meanings and views.You may learn to see things from a different perspective, and sometimes the argument brings out new ideas that can lead to solutions. This is part of the reason I believe that migration can only be a good thing, as it makes us learn new things through our differences. (Of course, the types of issues deriving from migration d o differ quite drastically from the types of issues that the members of the hundreds of reality shows we have nowadays have got to deal with, but that also means that the things we learn from them are different as well, and if I may say so, also infinitely more giving. It is not that long ago that we found the whole idea of sharing, mixing and just getting to know the rest of the world somewhat frightening. We were not very good at it, and wanted everything to stay the way it was. The modern world takes pride in being open and new-thinking however, and the word on everyone's lips is ââ¬Å"diversityâ⬠. Yes, diversity and sharing our cultures are wonderful things that we should definitely learn to appreciate more, but through our fear of racism we are making it almost impossible to state the fact that there are actually going to be some changes for you if you move to a new country.Of course you do not have to give up on your own culture, of course you can still speak your mother tongue, of course we want diversity. But what we sometimes forget to mention is that you really can't speak only your mother tongue in your new country and that you will have to get in touch with the culture of this new country as well as keeping your own. If you really want your new country to actually be your new country and to accept you as a part of it, then you will have to accept the fact that if you want your country to be multicultural, you will have to be a bit multicultural yourself.Learning a new language does not erase your own language from your brain, getting to know a new culture does not mean you have to let go of your own values, just as making new friends does not mean you can never speak to your old ones again. It is a matter of expanding rather than replacing. However, no relationships are ever one-sided. There has to be will and effort from both sides for it to work. This means that for integration to work smoothly, both the country and the immigrants have to d o their best to make it so.It is much easier for us to say that all immigrants must learn the language right away than it is for the immigrants to learn a whole new language in no time at all. If the attending of language classes are to be made compulsory, then the immigrants should be given the means to do so. It can hardly be expected that they should have the money for language classes at the ready right after they have arrived in a new country. Many of them are moving in order to start up a new life, and being forced to pay for language classes before they have started working is not going to help in any way.The fact that they will have a much easier time finding a job after the language classes does not help if they are already bankrupt before they have begun the search for a job. If the country would be willing to pay for the language classes however, that would be a huge benefit for the immigrants. It would also pay itself off for the country in many cases, once the new citiz ens start working. Though that does not mean that all immigrants will see and understand the necessity and the advantages of such classes, which would make the whole project a waste.This leads me to another important aspect of successful integration: communication between the country and the immigrants. Communication is always present in a healthy relationship, the relationship between country and immigrant being no exception. Now one might wonder how there can be communication about the necessity of learning the language before the immigrants learn the language, but there are ways to get this done. It is simply another matter of will and effort, once again from both sides rather than one.A relationship where only one part is trying to make things work is a doomed relationship. With this said, we can not blame only either immigrant or country if integration is not working, and we can not assign the responsibility of making integration possible to only either immigrant or country. Ye s, it is a definite benefit for the process of integration if the immigrant makes an effort to learn the language, but it can not really be as simply put as ââ¬Å"all immigrants should learn the language of their new countryâ⬠.No matter how much effort you put in, you will not be able to become a part of something if that ââ¬Å"somethingâ⬠is not willing to accept you. It is like one of those ââ¬Å"help me help youâ⬠-cases, if I may put it that simply, and I believe it is also know to be called teamwork. Once this first barrier, which is nothing but a barrier in the way of thinking, is overcome, all the other barriers standing in the way of integration will become a lot less insuperable.
Friday, November 8, 2019
buy custom Continuum of Healthcare essay
buy custom Continuum of Healthcare essay Health care involves systems that are progressive in nature. This is especially in promotion of the well being of patients both physically and mentally. When an intervention is done early, it reduces chances of having critical service provision and hence makes their functions easy. In addition, cost to be incurred in offering these services is minimized. There are eight stages upon which Health Care Continuum goes through. These include the following: the first stage involves revisiting the overall missions and goals that have been set as well as the objectives (Deffenbaugh, 1994). It involves the use of the box that is best suited. This serves as the reality check and paves ways for the completion of the second and third step. Setting the right missions, goals and objectives helps in advancing other stages. The second stage involves the process of identifying the core programs that are vital in the health care. In every stage in provision of continuum health care, it is important to have a list of vital services as well as programs that are suitable to be applied in every other stage (Callahan, (2000). For instance, the list may include all the affairs concerning the health care. Moreover, there is possibility of occurrence of other forms of risks that are related to health care. Thus, for effective intervention of any risk, it is important to have appraisal programs. Core objectives are essential as they are responsible in spanning the continuum process. Other initiates such as self care can help in provision of information to be considered in supporting and providing any form of intervention that may be required. In addition, medical care may be provided personally and help in making critical decisions affecting oneself. For example, people suffering from chronic diseases may benefit from this course and in managing their conditions more effectively. The third stage involves the process ofidentifying the organizational as well other benefits that employees may find as vital and supporting. This includes covering the preventive health care type of initiatives such as screening. Others include process of precertification in order to review certain organizational procedures (Deffenbaugh, 1994). The organization should also be in a position to provide incentives to ensure that people are able to comply with the programs. The fourth stage, involves estimation of the costs that are involved in programming and other forms of utilities. Therefore, in this stage, the total costs that are incurred in provision of health care services determined. This also entails the cost that every employee gets. On the same, there self insurance may be important to consider. The organization is hence able to determine its total expenditures in every continuum stage that is covered (Callahan, 2000). Some of the major charges include the ambulatory visits that are medically oriented, employees who have been hospitalized, the surgery costs, costs incurred on life insurance of the employees among other medical costs. The fifth stage involves assessing the status or the condition of the organization. This involves reviewing the programs that are within the continuum type of format being used. In this stage, missions, objectives and goals are reviewed. Their strengths and weakness are hence analyzed. The possibility of integrating the programs as the organization moves across the continuum is hence reviewed. In provision of these services, there is a possibility of occurrence of a particular gap. Therefore, this stage targets to come up with a solution to meet the needs within the organization. In order to enhance the support and responsibilities, real gaps and other related functions are put into focus. In case, there are gaps in the system, they are reviewed in order to provide more improved services. The outtcomes of the programs in place and mode of services delivery is also important to consider at this stage. The sixth stage in health care continuum involves addressing the several options that are available in the program. A thorough analysis is conducted to come up with proper initiatives that service the recommended needs of the organization. For instance, there might be several gaps that present themselves within the appraisal of the health care risk; this stage will be used to find another option to be used to solve this mystery. Comparisons between several programs options is also done to determine the most appropriate. Some of the major comparisons entails participants involves, the styles being used as well as the telephone lifestyle among other programs that might be in force. The seventh stage in the provision of health care continuum involves process of justification, planning and implementation. In this case, the analyses that have been arrived at are put on scale (Callahan, 2000). This helps in planning the implementation of the programs as well as budgeting to make the expenditures more reflective. Methods to implement the approved programs are also determined. The last stage involves laying out the analysis. This helps in fine tuning of the programs within the organization. In addition, it helps in application of major forms of intervention measures. A care seeker is able to move from one stage to another more easily. This is because, continuum involves a continuous process. There are laid strategies or stages that enable a health care seeker to move continuously from one stage to the next. Often, health care continuum presents a systematic process through which a care seeker can easily move from one stage to another. Therefore, a care seeker needs to present his or her case to the management. This will enable his in the movement throughout the different stages involved. Buy custom Continuum of Healthcare essay
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Learn All About Primate Cities
Learn All About Primate Cities The term primate city may sound like something in a zoo but it actually has nothing to do with monkeys. It refersà to a city which is greater than two times the next largest city in a ââ¬â¹nationà (or contains over one-third of a nations population). The primate city is usually very expressive of the national culture and often the capital city. The law of the primate city was first created by geographer Mark Jefferson in 1939. Examples: Addis Ababa is the primate city of Ethiopia - its population outshines that of all other cities in the country.à Do Primate Citys Matter?à If youre from a country that doesnt have a primate city it can be hard to understand the significance of them. It is hard to imagine one city being responsible for the cultural, transportation, economic and governmental needs of the rest of the country. In the United States, for example, these roles are usually played by cities like Hollywood, New York, Washinton D.C. and Los Angeles. While independent movies are made in every state the majority of the films that all Americans watch are created in Hollywood and Los Angeles. Those two cities are responsible for part of the cultural entertainment that the rest of the nation watches.à Is New York City a Primate City? Surprisingly, even with its huge population of over 21 million residents, New York is not a primate city. Los Angeles is the second largest city in the United States with a population of 16 million. This means that the United States lacks a primate city. This isnt surprisingà given the geographic size of the country. Even cities within the country are larger in size than that of an averageà European city. This makes it far less likely for a primate city to occur.à Just because it isnt a primate city doesnt mean New York isnt important. New York is what is known as a Global City, this means it is financially significant to the rest of the world. In other words, events which affect the city also affect the global financial economy. This is why a natural disaster in one city can cause the stock market of another country to dip. The phrase also refers to cities that do a huge amount of global business. The term global city was coined by the sociologist Saskia Sassen. à Signs of Inequality Sometimes primate cities form because of a concentration of higher-paying white collar jobs in one city. As jobs in manufacturing and agriculture decline, more people are driven towards cities. Unemployment in rural areas can contribute to wealth concentrations in urban areas. This is made worse by the fact that most of the higher paying jobs are located within cities. The further people get from city centers the harder time they have finding well-paying jobs. This creates a vicious cycle of economically depressed small towns and overpopulated large cities. It is easier for primate cities to form in smaller nations because there are fewer cities for the population to choose from.
Monday, November 4, 2019
Critical review for a Book chapter Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Critical review for a Book chapter - Essay Example Tourism department of several countries is motivating the hospitality organizations to focus on these things in order to attain both social and economic growth. In addition to this, this food and drink tourism festival can help the hospitality management students to learn about several key aspects associated with food and drink tourism. Discussion Food and drink festivals and events effectively provide extra attraction to the tourism concept. People, who love to visit popular tourist spots and cities, always try to experience the special local festivals and events of those areas. It is important for the tourism management organizations to take care all of these aspects along with basic aspects. The basic aspect is to take care the of the comfort and satisfaction level of the visitors. Global tourism sector is achieving significant growth rate. Various hospitality sectors are significantly contributing to the growth of this department. It is known to all that several developed and dev eloping countries are trying to improve this specific area as tourism department is considered as one of the major economic growth driver of a country. Several local restaurants and other hospitality management organizations understood the significance of their growth and sustainable business practices (Boniface, 2003). In addition to this, governments of several countries are trying to incorporate all the related industries to this sector in order to meet the market demand and growth objectives. Food and drink festivals have several benefits. First of all, it helps an organization to meet the satisfaction level of the customers or visitors. On the other hand, these specific festivals and events can help individuals to learn about the culture, food habits and preparation of local food items. Experience of several events with food and drink tourism can provide effective education and information to the individuals who are trying to get employment opportunities in this specific sector . People can learn lots of things through these events and activities. It is true that several organizations or corporations educational types of events. Major objective behind the arrangements of these kind of is to educate the students or their employees. Practical knowledge about these events can help the individuals to increase their level of skill and competencies. Therefore, it can be stated that special and diversified events associated with food and drink tourism can help individuals to attain appropriate knowledge. Attractiveness of an events or a particular festival varies from a visitor to another visitor. Several visitors like to see and experience traditional and authenticated events. The authenticity of festivals and events attract these types of customers. On the other hand, some of the visitors like to see and experience newly organized events apart from older and traditional events. It is the perception of the visitors that determines the attractiveness of the event s. It is true that modernity represents the dissolution of genuine inter-subjectivity. The demand for modern activities and events is increasing significantly among the global visitors. Food brings authenticity in the tourism concept. The taste and preparation of
Saturday, November 2, 2019
World Literature Questions and Creative Writing Essay
World Literature Questions and Creative Writing - Essay Example On the other hand, God would like to test manââ¬â¢s steadfastness. Oblivion of the game where he is just a pawn, the man tosses on the horns of dilemma until he realizes his limitations. Why did the God do this with me? This is the question that dawn on him when he surfaces into reality. Like Faust, I signed my soul with the devil but I was smart .I told him if at any stage my mind changes I will break the pact. The devil was too sure. He knew after getting the best enticements, no man goes back to God.I am happy, by the grace of God I took a very wise decision. I have strived every time for the best and in this pursuit have found that there is limitation which a man should always accept. Human being is created by God with some inadequacy. We are not born perfect that is why we strive for perfection. Perfection is only found in the Godââ¬â¢s kingdom.As He is the epitome of perfection so one should not exceed the limits he has imparted us with. Striving to overcome oneââ¬â¢s limitation is going against His Will and denying Him. That is the time when the Devil can lure a human being. I too went through the same plight as Faust but I identified my limits as I knew ,I have my constraints and if I deny my God, I am denying my whole being. Devil wonââ¬â¢t give one anything for free, He knows how to lure human, ââ¬Å"...we meet again on the other side...same coin you shall pay me back.â⬠Though it is not an easy pact but I went for it as I wanted to work for the humanity, ââ¬Å"my efforts to reach that crown of humanity, after which all my senses strive?â⬠But, then I realized this endeavor was futile as it would leave me nowhere. I realized all this I can attain in Godââ¬â¢s grace as well then why to join an evil company? I realized this fact that a devil will win any how by treachery and deceit. I thank to God that this understanding came to me much earlier and I saved myself from devil. 2. Dear Ivan, Life shows many twists and turns, it is never a pleasant journey and some people are less fortunate. I have heard your plight. It is really distressing and I have failed to understand the justice of God as well. Fair should be rewarded in the Godââ¬â¢s court but it seems that he too turns His blind eye for the righteous. You were wrongly convicted and have suffered entire life in galore for someone else crime. Your wife also disbelieved you and your children have forgotten you as well as if you have never existed for them. Your petitions to review the case went unheard and that also did not shake your faith. You had firm faith in God and believed in His Justice but the justice was denied to you. I hold your persona with utmost respect and wonder how were you able to forgive Makar and reconcile with the things. I have undergone same predicament and I am unable to reason with this fact, why I have been mocked and ridiculed. I have picked just a piece of string thinking it might be of some use to me but was accused of pic king wallet that belonged to Maitre Fortune Houlbrequeà of Manneville. I was wrongly charged and I came to know Maitre Malandain has laid blame on me. I tried to prove myself innocent by showing the proof of my pick but they laughed and disbelieved me. Maitre Malandain always had grudges against me. I was wrongly indicted, you would be surprised to know that the purse was found and returned to the mayor yet people thought me an accomplice and defamed me everywhere. I tried to prove my innocence to every person I met on my way, I am well aware that at my back they made fun of me and suspected me. I have found the futility of convincing everyone. I have grown ill ,pestering myself and now, I am at the death bed thinking my plight is just like yours my dear friend, the justice is denied to me as well in this human world but I am breathing my last with
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